Refund Policy

  • For purchases made within 14 days, we will refund in-game currency (Theorycraft Coins + including bonus coins) for the full purchase amount. If TC has been used for the purchase of in-game items, purchases made will be refunded to meet the amount of TC being refunded.

  • Within 7 days, items purchased in the in-game store can be refunded. This includes skins, chromas, emotes, gliders, and sprays.*

    • *Please note that the SUPERVIVE has time-exclusive rotations for content. Player support is not able to make alterations to accounts to entitle content that is no longer available.

  • For fully unused currency purchases, players may request a refund up to 30 days from the time of purchase. “Unused currency” means that none of the coins was used to make purchases in the game after purchasing a TC bundle.  

  • Purchases made with real money will be refunded in the format purchased. In the case of Steam wallet purchases, we are unable to process the refund ourselves. In such cases, contact our support team and we’ll provide further instructions.


  • Accounts that have received a chargeback may be temporarily banned. Players may reach out to player support to appeal their suspension and may regain access when the charge has been resolved.

  • Accounts that have engaged in more than one chargeback will be permanently banned.

  • In the case of fraud alerts, Theorycraft Games may temporarily suspend access to an account until the transactions are properly cleared/processed by the alerting institution.