We've received further reports from players who have encountered game crashes that optimizing their resolution has been effective in resolving this issue. Here's the recommended setup when launching the game while we find a more permanent fix:

1. Please run the game on one monitor and under your monitor's native resolution. Players who run the game on stretched resolutions over multiple displays might encounter problems launching the game.

2. Turn off DSR (NVIDIA) / VSR (AMD). This resolution enhancer/modifier can do the same thing as having stretched resolutions. To turn this off, you can follow these steps:

For NVIDIA users:

> Open NVIDIA Control Panel
> Select "Manage 3D Settings Menu"
> Under global settings, find "DSR - Factors"
> Select "off" on the dropdown next to it.

For AMD users:
> Right-click on your Desktop and select the AMD Control Panel (usually the first ever option)
> On the AMD Control Panel, look for the Display Tab usually below the home panel
> On the Display Tab, turn off Virtual Super Resolution